Google’s Animated Doodle Snow Games highlighting each day of Winter Olympics 2018

Google welcomed winter Olympics 2018, by sharing the animated penguin doodle along a snake and couple of other animals as part of the audience, that are celebrating the ski event. This is a warm welcome from Google and they will update the doodle each coming day, till the end of the Winter Olympics 2018. Google will be showing 17 different animated doodles each day, that will highlight the specific day of the event. Moreover, doodler team also gave option to share their animated doodles on other social platforms as well.

Winter Olympics 2018 started today with curling, skating and much more. The official date of winter Olympics is from Feb 9, 2018 to Feb 25, 2018, there will be a total of 17 days, each day will bring new winter sports event and there are almost 3000 athletes all across the globe, that are participating in this mega event.

Google’s highlighting of this mega event is a substantial step towards the promotion of healthy activities in a vast world of gadgets, where everyone prefers to stick with their modern phones and tablets. The animated doodles are a great initiative to promote the winter Olympics among people who have no idea, what’s going on in real world, as Google is something that became part of our every day lives and getting stuff like this from there is no doubt a great deed.

An enthusiastic tech writer, who loves to write about modern gadgets, mobile games and guides on troubleshooting related to Android, iOS and Windows. By profession a software engineer and by hobby a traveler.

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