Huawei Loses Access to Android: Google suspended business with the company

Soon after the Trump’s blacklist decision, Google suspended some part of it’s business with the popular Chinese manufacturer Huawei. Well this is a shocking news for all the Huawei users and it’s fans. This suspension means now Huawei users will be denied from accessing the play store on their Android devices and no more Android updates will be popping out on their devices, affecting immediately.
This move from tech giant Google came up after the implementation of US government act of trade blacklist for the company across the globe. Huawei immediately lost access to the latest Android updates for it’s newest devices including P30, P30 Pro, Mate 20 Pro, and many others. According to Reuters the future Huawei devices outside of China will no longer be having the most popular and the heart of Android, Google Play Store and Gmail App.
Huawei other products will stay on the OS that are covered by open source license, as Android is already an open source operating system. There will be no more technical support or any collaboration will take place between Google and Huawei. According to multiple sources, Huawei attorneys are studying the matter and soon they will come up with the official response.
Well this is a shock wave for the Chinese manufacturer that alone shipped almost 59 million smartphones in the first quarter of 2019. With the current progress it seems Huawei is going to surpass it’s rivals like Samsung and other Chinese manufacturers with in no time. But right now it’s fate is dwindling after Google’s announcement of ties with the company.