Walmart to deploy shelf scanning robots to help its customers shop conveniently

That time is not far away when robots will be doing human jobs, the perfect combination of technology inside business is making ease for the humans. Recently Walmart decided to put shelf scanning robots in their 50 stores to help their customers getting what they want perfectly and efficiently. The prime jobs of these self scanned robots is to scan the whole shelf instead of picking up a single item and scan specific tag on it. This will help ensuring the prices, tags and quantity of the product. Customer will get what they need and workers at the store will be informed of filling up the shelf whenever is needed.
What really needed at your end as customer is to look carefully to avoid getting bumped into a slow moving machine while moving around shelf to shelf. Although these robots are designed specifically to avoid collision with humans but still you know, these are machines and the best they can do is to stop wherever they are to avoid collision but what if you don’t stop?.
Watch the official video of these latest robots from Walmart showing the deployment and working of these new robots in their stores.