Galaxy S8 Exynos DualBootPatcher support is now available

Exynos variant of Galaxy S8 is now eligible for dual boot or Multi boot support. The Galaxy S8 Exynos variant gets DualBootPatcher support, thanks to XDA’s senior member “yshalsager” for releasing the DualBootPatcher for Galaxy S8. If you don’t know what is DualBootPatcher? Then we have answered this question below.
What is DualBootPatcher?
As the name suggest Dual Boot means Multi boot, that allows you to install more then 1 ROM on a single device at the same time. The DualBootPatcher patches the kernel and boot image to load the ROM files from an alternate location thus allows you to install the ROM you wish on the secondary ROM. This tool works with the existing files from secondary ROM so you don’t need to install them explicitly.
This tool is for Exynos variant of Galaxy S8 so don’t try it on any other device it will brick your device. So if you wish to install DualBootPatcher aApp on Galaxy S8, follow these instructions on XDA page.
via XDA