Canadian Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge getting June security patch via OTA. The new firmware update is rolling out via carrying build number G930W8VLS2BQF1 for Galaxy S7 SM-G930W8 while G935W8VLS2BQF1 for S7 Edge SM-G935W8. The update installs June security patch along some tweaks and improvements in the system, so if you happen to own a Canadian Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge then you might be receiving the OTA notification anytime now. The update is rolling out for all the major Canadian carriers you can pick up the tar file for your carrier below and install it manually via Odin as well.
Methods to install stock firmware on Samsung devices
Method 1: You can also get it via Samsung Kies as well, follow this guide to update your device via Kies
Method 2: If you think the Kies method remained unhelpful then download the firmware tar files from the links below and then follow this guide to update firmware on Samsung devices via Odin.
Latest Downloads:
Download G930W8VLS2BQF1 tar file for Galaxy S7 SM-G930W8: Here
Download G935W8VLS2BQF1 tar file for Galaxy S7 Edge SM-G935W8: Here
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