Install EmotionOS ROM on Galaxy Note 4 all variants [Android 7.1.2 Nougat]

EmotionOS stable ROM for Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is now available. If you are a proud owner of Galaxy Note 4 SM-N910F, N910P or N910V and wish to install Android 7.1.2 Nougat on your device then you are at the right place. The ROM is based on Android 7.1.2 Nougat, it is a pretty stable build and can be used as daily drivers. Thanks to an XDA member pafcholini who has posted complete ROM details including download links (Mentioned below) as well.
Features of EmotionOS ROM: [via xda]
Based on LineageOS
Emotion Control
OTA Updates
DU Navigation Bar
Statusbar settings
OMS support
App Circle Bar
Recents Panel
Cclock Widget
LockScreen settings
Notification Drawer settings
Hardware keys settings
And much more
We have mentioned each and everything you need during the installation process including TWRP recovery, Google Apps and ROM zip along step by step instructions. The ROM is released for Galaxy Note 4 SM-N910F, Verizon Note 4 and Sprint Note 4 but it should be working on other variants as well.
Also read: Install Resurrection Remix 5.8.3 on Galaxy Note 4 [Android 7.1.2 Nougat]
Process to flash EmotionOS ROM on Galaxy Note 4
Your device battery should be in good health (70%) to avoid the shutting down while in flashing process.
A TWRP custom recovery must be installed on your device, if you haven’t, follow this guide to install it.
Create a Nandroid back up of important data including complete System with all apps and messages, follow this guide to create a Nandroid backup via TWRP recovery.
Upgrade latest USB drivers for your device on PC. Download latest Samsung USB drivers here [For a stable PC-phone connection].
Downloads section:
Download EmotionOS ROM for Galaxy Note 4. Here you go
Download Android 7.1.x Google Apps
Now transfer both file on your device storage.
Install Section.
It’s the time to turn off your device completely and boot into TWRP recovery or follow this guide to see the process to enter recovery mode
Once your device boots into recovery mode then follow this guide to flash EmotionOS on your Galaxy Note 4 via TWRP recovery.
Solution to a failed boot issue.
Follow this guide to solve the bootloop issue. [If you think your device stuck at boot animation for quite a long time]
That’s it! We hope this guide helped you. Give us your feedback about EmotionOS ROM on your Galaxy Note 4 and stay tuned for more updates.
via XDA