Download Sony Xperia stock Music Player APK for Android

If you are using any Android smartphone but still you like to download and install Xperia Music App on your device then we have a great news for you. Stock Music App from Sony Xperia is now available to download, and in this that’s what were are going to do. You can just download the Xperia Music app from the link below and install it on your device without rooting.

The Xperia Music app is available as an APK file which mean you need to install it just like normal apk on your device. The Xperia Music app is a stock app which is extracted from the system dumb, credit goes to the developer Ben Ling  for this work. Xperia Music app is currently the best Music player app available at the moment with great UI and simple features. You can change the UI from Dark to light, search for app with different way and much more.

Download and install Xperia Music App on Android


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Install Xperia Music stock App APK on Android

If you are new to manual installation of Apk files on Android then follow below steps.

Download Xperia Music App APK: Here (14.4MB)

  1. Download this latest apk from above given download link.
  2. Place the file in your phone memory or SD card.
  3. Enable unknown sources by going into Settings > Security and Enable unknown sources.
  4. Now open any file manager app from App Drawer and install the downloaded Xperia Music App apk.

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Source XDA

A Software Engineer by profession but a full time blogger. I am a passionate blogger who love to hang around modern gadgets and write latest news from the technology world.

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