Marvel Super War is the latest MOBA recently announced and available in beta only in specific regions. Good news for all of you is that now can you can play this latest invention on your pc as well. Marvel Super War for Windows and Mac is not officially released and developers are working on only iOS and Android versions of this game but we came up with process to install the android version of MSW on PC with the help of an Android emulator. This process helps in installing the same mobile version of this game on the big screens of your pc or laptop. This process supports all the versions of Windows including Windows xp, 7, 8 and 10 along all the Mac versions. So, keep scrolling down to get this latest Marvel Super War on PC followed by a short description of the game.
About Marvel Super War:
Marvel Super War is a multiplayer online battlefield arena game developed by NetEase and Marvel Entertainment and based on the same theme like it’s predecessor Marvel Game Series. The main gameplay features includes, the gathering of all Marvel super heroes and villains from the vast universe of Marvel including Avengers, X-Men, Guardian of the galaxy, Spider Man and many other. All you need to do is just pick up your favorite character and jump into the Battle with the super power of your super hero. Learn different tactics and unveil the hidden secrets and abilities of your super hero and beat your opponent with your surprise moves. MSW is not a typical MOBA, instead it provides a pretty balanced game play, all required is your hard work and learning of different skills set to move up with an awesome record. Every super hero game is based on the combination of unique powers of it’s super heroes, so you need to utilize the abilities of your chosen hero and combine all of it’s different tactical moves into giant combos and that’s the key to success in this type of games. Another most important factor in Marvel Super war is teamwork, combination of different super heroes each having their own abilities is the most devastating combination above all and it can destroy an enemy with in seconds.
How to download and install Marvel Super War for PC
Follow below simple steps carefully to get Marvel Super War on PC.
In this case we are using Bluestacks Android emulator, follow below link to download and install it on your PC or Mac.
Download Bluestacks Emulator for Windows and Mac
Download latest Marvel Super War Apk for Android
Now open bluestacks and look for apk installation option.
Once found, drag and drop or provide path to the Marvel Super War apk file that you already downloaded from the above given download link.
After successful installation, find the game in app drawer of bluestacks.
Enjoy Marvel Super War on PC with same HD graphics along physical controls of your mouse and keyboard.
Also we mentioned some official accounts for Marvel Super War below, follow them to stay tuned for future updates related to the game.
Follow Marvel Super War instagram profile:
Follow Marvel Super War Twitter Account: