Update Lineage OS 14.1 released for Verizon Galaxy S5 G900V

Lineage OS 14.1 is making it’s way towards various device, unofficial Lineage OS 14.1 is now available for Verizon S5 G900V. CyanogenMod earlier announced that they are going to shut down their future services, this Lineage OS is taking over the CyanogenMod services and will release their own build for devices. If you don’t know what is Lineage OS? Then the answer in short is that, it is a company that is taking over CyanogenMod services to release their own builds, they will use the existing Cyanogenmod services with their own interface.
Lineage OS 14.1 have also build up their own website and will release their official build soon, but till then we recommend you try the Lineage OS 14.1 on your Verizon S5. CyanogenMod gain much fame for it’s simple and always ready custom firmware and that’s the reason users rely on this company for downloading their stable builds. Now Lineage OS is there to take care of those CyanogenMod supported devices, it is using the same source code that was previously used in CyanogenMod ROMs.
That’s the reason that the process to flash Lineage OS 14.1 on Verizon Galaxy S5 is same as any CM ROM via TWRP recovery and gapps. You can download the Lineage OS 14.1 ROM for Galaxy S5 along CM14.1 Nougat Google apps from the link below and flash it via TWRP recovery. If you haven’t installed TWRP recovery on your device don’t worry just follow this guide to flash it.
Process to install Lineage OS 14.1 on Verizon Galaxy S5 G900V
Your device battery should be charged to a safe level.
Create a Nandroid back up of entire device. Follow this guide
USB drivers are installed on it.
Download Lineage OS 14.1 for Verizon Galaxy S5
Download CM14.1/Android 7.1.x Google Apps
If your device has already a TWRP installed then, follow this guide to flash Lineage OS 14.1 on your Verizon Galaxy S5 G900V.
That’s ! Give us your feedback about Lineage OS on your device. Stay tuned for more updates.