How to get natural Instagram followers fast and free

Instagram is one of the best social picture sharing platform that gives you a chance to express yourself infront of the whole World. Well for beginners it’s a little challenging task to present their great content in front of audience as they might need followers first. There are many ways to get Instagram followers, some are by asking your Facebook friends to follow you and another is paid follower-ship. In this post we will tell you some of the best tricks that will help you in getting your natural Instagram followers fast and free and these tricks are guaranteed and self experimented first in getting the maximum followers.

Get Instagram followers fast and free (Tips and Tricks)

Below we have mentioned the best ways to attract and get natural Instagram followers fast and free instead of getting into hassle of requesting some popular followers providers pages or even paying for getting followers. These tricks will help you in building up the best, long lasting and natural audience according to your content.

1- Make your profile public

Only public profiles can get the best and most followers because anyone can sneak into to your profile and you will be able to get an opportunity of getting more followers. Private accounts show content to existing followers only along a button of request follow instead of direct one button follow option. So users will not bother to wait for you to accept their request and get a chance to watch your content. To make your profile public Click on the Profile button and Click “Edit my Profile”, here uncheck “Posts are Private”. By default Instagram account comes up with public thing active, only user have the option to turn the public account into private account.

2- Add Profile picture according to your content

Viewers enter your account after watching your display picture, so it should be the best one and according to your theme. For example, if you are setting up a page for night photography then display picture should contain the best night shot that you think can force people to enter into your account.

3- Set up your Account with your best pictures

The first and most important thing to attract Instagram followers is by setting up your account with the best pictures of yours, as good pictures will force the viewers to follow your page for staying tune for upcoming good shots and also good pictures are likely to be shared by other pages as well.

4- Follow Instagram pages according to your content

Instagram is a place where give and take rule applies practically, follow as much pages as you can to get followed back as there is a 80 percent chance of getting followed back. The important thing that you should keep in mind before following any page is, follow only those pages that you think will follow you back. If you will follow some famous brand name then there are very few chances that they will follow you back. Follow those whom you think have the same taste and interest in your page as well.

5- Like posts on your news feed

Staying active on Instagram is the key to get more followers, just scroll down your Instagram news feed and like as many posts as you can to get attention of other users. This is the best practice to get natural followers fast and free on Instagram. Also leave comment on posts that you like most and also respond to the comments where you are tagged in. You will see rise in the follower-ship of your Instagram profile with in no time.

6- Use the best and famous Hashtags

Instagram is one of those social platform that begin its journey based on the popularity of Hashtags and Hashtags on Instagram is the most important thing to spread your content to the whole world. Add as many Hashtags as you can to reach to the maximum people and use Hashtags according to your content and find the best and most famous Hashtags to best define your picture and also to make space in the directory of those pages.

7- Don’t fill up your Instagram account with abundance of pictures

Some people think filling up their account with lot of pictures will help them in achieving lot of followers, instead it is seen abundance of posts from one user forces existing followers to unfollow you. To better understand this, take this example as if someone like few pages of their matched interest, they will go into news feed to expect updated content from all of their favorite pages instead of getting all the updates from one page only in their newsfeed. This will annoy the user and can force them to unfollow the page. The best practice to this is to upload the best and 3 or 4 post maximum in a day, don’t rush to upload everything that you have. Take time to edit your even perfect looking pictures as there is always room for improvements.

Hope you will get the most from the above mentioned tips for getting natural Instagram followers fast and free from our very own experiences. Give us your feedback and stay tuned for future tricks and tips.

An enthusiastic tech writer, who loves to write about modern gadgets, mobile games and guides on troubleshooting related to Android, iOS and Windows. By profession a software engineer and by hobby a traveler.

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