Download Lineage OS 15.0 Android Oreo ROM for Motorola devices

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Android Oreo ROM for Motorola devices is the topic of today’s guide. If you own a Motorola device then we have created a list of all those Motorola devices that have received Android Oreo based Lineage OS 15.0 ROMs. Official LineageOS 15 builds are under development the list below contain unofficial build, but if you are getting impatient to install Oreo ROM on your device then you can just click on the link. Each link will redirect you to complete tutorial so why not try the new Lineage OS 15 Oreo ROM on your device.

Motorola has also announced the list of devices that will get the official Oreo treatment soon, the list includes latest flagships as well as older device too. The release of LineageOS 15 Oreo ROM for Motorola devices is a best opportunity for the users who want to see Oreo update on their devices right away. Lineage OS 15.0 ROM is packed with all the latest features from Android 8.0 Oreo, visit this post to see complete feature of Lineage OS 15 ROM.

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Android Oreo ROMs for Motorola devices

Download Lineage OS 15 ROM for Moto Z Play

Download Lineage OS 15 ROM for Moto X Play

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Oreo ROM for Moto E 1st gen (2013)

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Oreo ROM for Moto Z

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Oreo ROM for Moto G4 Plus

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Oreo ROM for Moto G5 Plus

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Oreo ROM for Moto X 2014 (2nd Gen)

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Oreo ROM for Moto G 2013 (1st Gen)

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Oreo ROM for Moto G 2014 (2nd Gen)

Download Lineage OS 15.0 Oreo ROM for Moto G 2015 (3rd Gen)

Lineage OS 15 Android Oreo ROM for Moto E4


We will add more devices in the list as soon as new build are released. Stay tuned for more updates!

A Software Engineer by profession but a full time blogger. I am a passionate blogger who love to hang around modern gadgets and write latest news from the technology world.