How to enable call recording on OnePlus 5

Welcome Folks! Today, in this short tutorial we’ll show you, how to enable call recording on OnePlus 5. The call recording feature on OnePlus 5 firmware is not available on the global firmware of OnePlus 5 but credit goes to recognized developer ‘padlad’ who has founded an easiest way to activate call recording feature on OnePlus 5. Another Dev ‘shadowstep’ also confirmed that the process is working fine for him. The call recording feature for OnePlus 5 is available on the stock dialer by default but you need to activate it by executing a command in the command window.
You need a rooted OnePlus running Oxygen OS 4.5.x to activate the call recording feature, for your ease we have also mentioned the process to root OnePlus 5 below. You have two option for this call recording feature, in the first one you have to manually activate the call recording feature after each boot and the second one automatically enables it after each reboot.
How to enable call recording on OnePlus 5
How to root OnePlus 5 and install TWRP recovery on it, follow these instructions.
Set up adb fastboot drivers on PC, follow this quickest method to install them.
Download Enable_Call_Recording.apk (Auto-enabled at boot, call recording will be turned on automatically at every boot)
Enable_Call_Recording2.apk (Not enabled at boot, call recording will not be turned on automatically at every boot)
Process to enable call recording on OnePlus 5
Now you need to enter this command to activate call recording on OnePlus 5.
settings put global op_voice_recording_supported_by_mcc 1
After reboot you will be notified that call recording on your device has been enabled.
You can access the call recording from storage/emulated/0/Record/PhoneRecord