Google Duo is the latest attempt by Google to outdo its competitors such as the likes of FaceTime by Apple and Skype by Microsoft. Not to mention Facebook and even WhatsApp support similar Video Calling now, adding to the troubles of once the pioneer and famous Skype. It is primarily a one-to-one video calling app that’s cross platform. Let’s have a brief look at how Google Duo works.
Simplistic UI is something almost always attributed to the Apps developed by Apple however this may not be true now for those who have used Google Duo. One of its most recognizable feature is its remarkable simple UI that does what it’s made for and has next to no clutter. It may be boring for some but it’s a major attraction for many. Another quite noticeable feature was its ability to perform well under slower connections and has very few interruptions that leads to a rather smooth experience of video calling as well as audio calling depending on the preference of the user. The feature that sets it apart from the rest of its competitors is called the “Knock Knock”. It is basically a live preview of the caller the user is about to call so that the user may know the status of the person he’s about to call before he commences to actually call.
This application has been particularly more important among those who have switched from iOS to Android and have been habitual of using the Facetime. This surely will help Google Duo gain an edge over its direct competitors. Its available for download in both Play Store and App Store in iOS.